
Tana Publish

Tana Publish

Tana Publish is among the best features growing within Tana. Why do I say growing? Its because I believe that Tana publish pages will get better and better with time. I guess we have seen this amazing occurrence with Tana in general being able to always evolve and become better every single time


Tana Publish is essentially a way for you to share almost anything in your Tana workspace with anyone you provided the link to. This gives you the freedom of knowing that you can keep all your work in Tana and still be able to quickly show it to whoever you need to whenever you need to. A couple of various things I think this could be quite useful for is stuff like directly sharing pieces of content with colleagues, sharing project proposals, creating custom pages for your clients in terms of a briefing, meeting notes and so much more

How do you set up Tana Publish

Its quite simple really, when zoomed into a node all you have to do is hit CMND/CTRL + K and type publish. You will see the word publish show up and as soon as you click that you will get a publish preview pop up on the right side


What is the preview page for

The preview page will act as an editor of how the final content will look like, as the word preview suggest its is essentially a preview in what your final content will look like.

Within the publish preview page you will be able to change the following:

  • Font type (either serif or sans)
  • Select output options for fields


What next?

After you are happy with the way your publish preview looks like what's left is setting the page live by publishing using the button you see on the top left side. Don't worry if you published something wrong or have a bit of grammatical errors as you can quickly make changes and publish those changes. As soon as you add or edit anything, the "publish changes" option will pop up and you will be able to do just what it says publish all the changes


A couple of tips:

Hiding unwanted fields from the publish page

If you would like a field to be hidden completely from the final publish you will have to set the field to hide always within its customisation options. This comes in handy when you have fields that you would like to keep for organisation purposes within your workspace but you wouldn't like for people to see it on the publish page

Setting a field as the pages subtitle 

If you would like a field to be visible but essentially act as the pages subtitle you can do so by having the respective field at the very top and while in the publish preview, interact with it and select "move to top"

Creating clickable links to other parts of your workspace

If you would like your publish page to have clickable links that lead to other parts in your workspace you will need to do the following. First, create a live search and pull in all the items you need to be clickable. Second, make sure to publish the live search node along with all the nodes within it. Once this is done you will find out that your publish preview page has all the live search items highlighted meaning that you can click into them and be redirected to the respective node

NOTE: For this to be possible you will have to create a search node and make sure all items in the search node are published along with the search node itself. Without doing this step you wont be able to have clickable nodes on your publish page


Adding content to your publish page by referencing a node

If you would like to add all content from a node in your workspace right into a publish page all you have to do is simply reference that node in the publish node you are working on and its content will automatically be pulled into the publish page


Reading next

How to change your font in Tana
Creating Confirmation Pop-Ups in Tana

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