
Creating Confirmation Pop-Ups in Tana

Creating Confirmation Pop-Ups in Tana


Ensuring the security of sensitive workflows in Tana might not be super important for everyone but it might be to some. Who knows, maybe at some point you would like to actually secure some of your workflows that can be altered with the use of Tana commands. If you're a Tana user, did you know that you can incorporate a confirmation pop-up within your Tana commands?

This nifty feature not only adds an extra layer of security but also allows you to seamlessly integrate user confirmation into your templates to protect a user from clicking a wrong command by accident. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of creating a confirmation pop-up and share a crucial tip to keep in mind.


How to Create a Confirmation Pop-Up in Tana

Create a Command

To kick things off, start by creating a command within Tana. This can be easily accomplished by typing any text or adding an emoji into a node. Utilize the command line to convert the node into a command


Add "Ask for User Confirmation" Command

After creating your command, enhance its functionality by adding the "Ask for user confirmation" command using the "@" symbol. This step is crucial as it prompts users to confirm their actions before executing the command


Include a Pop-Up Message

Customize the confirmation process by adding a message that will pop up whenever the command is clicked. This message serves as a clear prompt for users to confirm or deny the action


Continue Building or Finalize

At this point, you have the flexibility to either continue building your command or finalize the process. Depending on your workflow, you may choose to include additional commands after user confirmation


Important Note

Here's a vital point to remember when implementing the "Ask for user confirmation" command in Tana — its position determines when it runs. If placed after other commands, it will run last, potentially defeating the purpose of having user confirmation. For optimal effectiveness, position the confirmation command strategically to ensure it runs first, obtaining user approval before executing subsequent commands.

In conclusion, Tana's confirmation pop-up feature empowers users to safeguard sensitive workflows and templates by adding an interactive layer of user confirmation. By following these simple steps and keeping in mind the importance of command position, you can elevate the security of your Tana workflows

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