What is Canou?

Canou is a brand established to assist people in navigating Tana with greater ease. Our goal is to provide resources and services that simplify the processes of learning, adoption, and workflow within Tana. We achieve this by offering pre-made easy-to-use templates, coaching sessions, custom workspaces and last but not least, informative blog posts to help you elevate your Tana skills and keep you in the loop

Meet the face behind canou

Origin of the Name

Canou as a name came up after initially understanding the origin of the name "Tana" itself. Tana was named after a river in Norway and as canou is a company that aims to help people from all across the world navigate, learn and embrace the software the concept of a canoe guiding its user through the river came up and it was a light bulb moment

But for a better twist and for ease of branding the word canoe was slightly converted into canou

What is the vision?

Our vision is to establish Canou as the go-to brand for enhancing and simplifying your Tana experience. To realize this vision, I Abraham a Tana Ambassador and the driving force behind Canou is dedicated to provide you with the finest services and resources, ensuring that your journey through Tana becomes as seamless and straightforward as it can be

Future plans for canou

At the moment, the most important thing that we would love for canou to maintain and be recognised for is simplicity in the way we do things. In the future we would love to be able to build a huge community of Tana enthusiasts where people can share and discuss about everything Tana. One other path that has yet to be set in motion is the creation and publishing of YouTube video resources where people can get access to Tana resources such as tips, workflows etc

More amazing plans will be uncovered with time