Custom Workspaces

At Canou, we understand that your Tana workspace is the canvas for your productivity and success. We are dedicated to crafting spaces that cater to your unique needs, allowing you to work with ease, efficiency, and joy. Our mission is to empower you with custom workspaces that elevate your workflow

How it works

Fill in a form

Fill in the form provided below with as much accurate information of your workspace needs as possible. This will help us evaluate and better understand how we can help

Email Response & Discovery Call

After evaluating the form sent, you will receive an email with a link to book a free 30 minute discovery call to further discuss the tiny details for your workspace


Once you're happy with all we have discussed and are ready to go ahead with the workspace build a payment will be processed and the building will begin

Build Updates & Delivery

During the build we will reach out to brief you on the progress and ensure you are happy with the build and we will finally deliver the workspace to you once fully completed

Build Pricing

Its quite difficult to set a price on a custom Tana workspace build as different workspaces can take different times to build and have different complexities attached to them. A price estimate of a custom workspace build will be offered in the email sent after the form has been filled as this will provide us with decent information of what your workspace needs are.

Our estimations based on builds completed so far might range from $80 for a simple workspace to $400 for a much larger and complex workspace

What you get

With the custom workspace build, you get a fully tailored workspace based on your needs and use case, continuous feedback during the building process and a recorded or live walkthrough once the build is completed to help you understand how to take full advantage of the workspace

Custom Workspace Form

Ready to have your workspace come to life so that you can finally take advantage of the power Tana has to offer? All you have to do is fill in the form below and we will be in touch

Access Form


Brows through some of the frequently asked questions about custom workspaces