Job Application Tracker

Sale price£6.00

✨ Powered by AI
Introducing the Job Application Tracker Template. A template that helps you track all your job applications, interviews, application deadlines, drafts a cover letter by considering each job description in relation to your resume and even prepares interview questions for you to practise before actually getting to the interview

This template is powered by AI and for better results it is recommended to use GPT 4

Template Highlights

Track Jobs & Interviews

Easily track all jobs you have applied to, application deadlines and all interviews secured and scheduled

AI Generated Cover Letter

Get a simple draft cover letter generated for you using the job description and information obtained from your resume

Interview Prep Questions

Get interview questions generated based on a job you have secured an interview for. These questions will be generated based on the job description to ensure you are prepared for the interview




Search Nodes



Powered by AI & Commands

Unlock the full potential of this template with AI-powered functionalities, meticulously designed to streamline and enhance your workflow. Say goodbye to complexity as recurring touch points are effortlessly managed through intuitive and functional commands